It was a night to remember as Bollywood biggies like Shah Rukh Khan, Rekha, Alia Bhatt, Sidharth Malhotra, Shraddha Kapoor, Sunny Leone, Farhan Akhtar stepped out to attend the calendar launch of ace photographer Dabboo Ratnani in Mumbai on Tuesday (January 12).
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is a regular face on Dabboo's calendar, was seen at the launch. (Source: Photo by Varinder Chawla) |
Veteran actress Rekha, who has always shown her love for kanjeevarams, ditched the heavey ones for a white sari. She wore it perfectly with huge earrings and sunglasses. (Source: Photo by Varinder Chawla)
Alia Bhatt, who is also featured on the calendar, poses with her photograph. She wore a short floral dress with pointed pumps |
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